La ciudad indese(ch)able
Pagán Teitelbaum, Iliana. “La ciudad indese(ch)able: relectura de la violencia urbana en la narrativa y el cine peruanos” Biblioteca Instituto Riva-Agüero BIRA, PUCP 32 (2005): 311-328.
This essay analyzes two texts that challenge the hegemonic vision that criminalizes the poor, blaming them for violence in the city. By expanding the concept of violence following Johan Galtung, I expose that the story «Montacerdos» (1981) by Cronwell Jara and the film «Gregorio» (1984) by Grupo Chaski propose a different vision of urban violence in a Lima where full rights and citizen protection have not been provided to a large part of the inhabitants of the city.
Key words:
urban violence, poverty, exclusion, Cronwell Jara, Grupo Chaski